The official Blog of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists

Friday, April 6, 2007

NABJ National Elections

This is a truncated version of an NABJ E-News email message sent to members from Election Chairman Herbert Lowe.
Friday, April 6, is the filing deadline for anyone seeking election this year to the NABJ Board of Directors.
To see who has been certified to date, visit:
The Elections Committee urges all members to consider seeking an office on the 14-member Board -- and then to declare their candidacies by Friday – and, yes, to vote in this year's elections, culminating on Friday, Aug. 10, for the 2007-2009 term.

Full members may vote for and seek the offices of president, vice president-print, vice president-broadcast, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian and regional director. Associate and student members may do the same for their representatives.

Saturday, July 1, is the deadline for current or lapsed full, associate and student members to renew, or for first-time members to join in hopes of voting in this year's election via mail-in balloting before the convention in Las Vegas; via electronic balloting before and during the convention, and or on Election Day at the convention.

Eligible members can also cast their ballots electronically via the NABJ Web site from Friday, June 8 to Election Day, Friday, Aug. 10.

To obtain more election information, go to:

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